

J. Kevin Stamps, MD

Dr. Stamps initially practiced as a pediatrician in Memphis for two years before completing a three-year pediatric cardiology fellowship at LeBonheur Children’s Hospital. He then went on to complete a 6 month fellowship for cardiac MRI at Boston Children’s Hospital. After three years on staff at LeBonheur, he started Memphis Pediatric Heart. He has been recognized by his peers as a Top Doctor in Memphis Magazine. As a father of two, Dr. Stamps understands the concerns of every parent and works closely with each family to help guide them every step of the way.


1997 - 2001
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, MD

2001 - 2004
LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Residency

2006 - 2009
LeBonheur Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship

Boston Children’s Hospital, Cardiac MRI Fellowship